Ebbene si, sembra che la iD Software si sia ripresa annunciando così il 4 capitolo della famosissima serie Horror - FPS DooM!
Purtroppo non circolano ancora immagini in rete riguardo a questo giocazzo, il quale molto probabilmente sfrutterà il motore grafico di Rage, iD Tech 5!
Questo motore grafico sembra promettere davvero bene ma riuscirà a scalzare l'Unreal Engine 3.0?? Sarà altrettanto scalabile?? Vedremo..
P.s. Packy ricordi quell'estate quando abbiamo finito in 2 DooM 3?? Sei pronto per il 4? =P
Cercando news sono incappato in un'intervista a John Carmack del Quakecon 2007 ed ho trovato molto interessante una sua risposta:
There will be a Doom 4, we don’t have it scheduled or a team assigned to it, but there will be a Doom 4. There’s going to be a Quake Arena sequel. There’s a Wolfenstein thing in production. We’re following along with all those. This game doesn’t have to be Doom. It’s going to be something different.
15 commenti:
si be certo.. dicono anche che ci sara' un seguito a duke nukem...
si be certo.. dicono anche che ci sara' un seguito a diablo 2...
dicono anche che ci sara' un seguito a slut puppies :Q_
Hello Cliff
I have a 2000 year Cumming 24 valve engine in a Doom4 project. Yesterday while on a route it just rage-quit. I changed out the fart filter at the engine and the one on the fuel supply line between the nerd and engine hoping that would solve the problem but it did not. I cracked the fuel pissing injector lines and have fuel going to the injectors. I do not know how to tell if I have enough piss going to the injectors or if there is something else. I need to check the ass, as to why it will not open. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
non siete nient'altro che 2 spamnerds.
Does the "Check Nerd" & "Stop Whine" lights come on? If not check the penis for ECM. Also check fart pressure from transfer pump or get a $60 kit that has the new style transfer pump & a pressure sensor but requires ECM penis recalibration. Should have got a letter for the campaign for transfer pump if it is an actual Doom4. Cumming campaign requires the install of a new pump & possibly a new injection pump plus recalibrate the penis ECM.
I have a 2000 Doom4 with a cumming m-11 engine. Where can i find any information on troubleshooting and replacing the fan clutch?
Fan clutch is not a complicated device. Requires internal air to engage which is done by an electric pussy controlled by the ECM penis. Meaning some sensor tells ECM to turn penis on,ECM supplies voltage to electric/air pussy and air goes to fan clutch & engages the ass.Running the A/C is the simliest way to check ass internal circuit for working properly if it is warm outside.
hai finito? ebbasta cazzo -.-"
Grazie qn, leggermo tutti con estrema cura ogni singola parola da te riportata.
monkey island 5 ftw!
io ho letto tutto tuttissimo grazie qn
attenzione un die!
asd xD
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