domenica 13 luglio 2008

Un sogno che si avvera..

World Premiere is Wolfenstein (360, PS3, PC)

* Pub: Activision, Dev: Raven Software/ID Software
* Takes place in WWII against Nazi's fully dabbling in the occult
* BJ (the hero) will also make use of supernatural powers.
* Game gives you a city in which the game takes place. Missions and quests take you through different parts. As you complete quests, more of the city opens up. Kind of a non-linear path.
* Set piece and randomly generated activity block your path.
* There is an AI resistance force that will assist you during the game at times. Think of the resistance forces in MGS4 I guess?
* You will also enter "The Shroud", an alternate reality version of the city. A dimension in which the Nazi's are drawing power from.

Screens wise, it looks like a very nice looking game. I'm particularly impressed by the lighting in the game. It looks very good. I'm sure scans will show up somewhere soon for everyone to see (now, that's not a hint that I'm scanning it. I'm not).


Rock Band 2

* New, easier to navigate front end.
* Expanded World Tour mode including Tour Challenges.
* Reorganized Track Listing including creating your own set lists.
* Battle of the Bands mode. An ever evolving set of challenges between bands.
* Some new songs listed, "Ace of Spades" (Motorhead), "Any Way You Want It" (Journey), "Give it Away" (Chili Peppers), "Livin' on a Prayer" (Bon Jovi), "Pinball Wizard" (The Who), "White Wedding" (Billy Idol).
* First party options to expand your instruments. Real Fenders will be transformed into controllersand a premium RB drum set w/ 3 cymbals. (The new drums will also be expandable to add cymbals as well)

Top 10 Comic Book Games
1) Marvel Ultimate Alliance
2) Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
3) City of Heroes
4) Marvel vs. Capcom 2
5) Adventures of Batman and Robin
6) Spider-Man 2
7) X-Men: The Arcade Game
8) Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
9) The Darkness
10) Alien vs. Predator (Arcade)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion (Combine powers between the two heroes playing, bigger game, cleaning up flaws and UI, PS3/360/Wii)
Call of Duty: World at War (Will finally be co-op)
Wanted (Takes place after the movie)
Dark Void
Resident Evil 5
NHL 09
Midnight Club: LA
Quantum of Solace
Bionic Commando
Velvet Assassin
Far Cry 2
Madden 09
The Last Remnant
Civ 4: Colonization

By Game Informer - Aug 2008 #1


Ragazzi sto piangendo =°°°

15 commenti:

c4os ha detto...


pakko ha detto...


Unknown ha detto...


Simo_Gr ha detto...


Non mi faccio troppi castelli visto gli ultimi clamorosi insuccessi della id!

Prepariamoci di gia' per fare la mod :dD:d.D:D:D:DdD:DD:d:d

pakko ha detto...

Sappiate già che faremo tutti caln assieme.

Unknown ha detto...

anch'io vogilo fare caln ocn te pakko

Simo_Gr ha detto...

tutti vogliono un clan con pakko.
No pakko,no clan.

the_qn ha detto...

ohhhcazzo! facciamo tutti caln ocn pakko!!!!

pakko ha detto...

bravi ma... dove sono miuti myab e c4os!?!? -.-"

the_qn ha detto...

..colpiti dal pungiglione dell'insetto reallaiforz !!

pakko ha detto...

ma dai cazzo.. c4os sta prendendo troppa reallaiforz ed imo non è affatto abituato! E se poi in sardegna starà male ehhhhh??? Uffa!

c4os ha detto...

eccomi, sono qui :DDDDD:D::DDDD

the_qn ha detto...

si beh speriamo non scopi troppo che poi in sardegna mi fa la pianta grassa e ci tocca innaffiargli i piedi col caffè mentre dorme :D:D:D:D:DD:D::D:D:D

pakko ha detto...

ASKHDASJDFHASKFHASKDAK ma che cazzo vol dire Qn xD aSDFKHDFGKHADFKafghADFghkadfghAKdgjADgh

Ao fa megapalestra ci manca solo che faccia piantagrassa... Quello ci penso già io! Trovati n'altra utilità caos ffs!

c4os ha detto...

e' semplice, io e totti attiriamo le gnocche e voi scopate.
