Bimbi Belli, Bimbi Brutti Bimbi Magri, Bimbi Grassi Bimbi da prendere in faccia con i sassi Bimbi Sith, Bimbi Jedi Bimbi da affettare dalla testa ai piedi
Non ho parole.. giocateci. É semplicemente uno dei più bei giochi mai fatti. Necessari i nuovi 191.03 Owiamente ricordatevi di installare la patch 1.1 che attiva finalmente la PhysX by GPU.. cambia MOSTROSAMENTE il gioco (owiamente a scapito degli fps..).. P.s. gli screen sopra son fatti da me con TUTTO maxato.. Miglior grafica mai vista in assoluto. Crysis fa caccapopo in confronto.
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League Of Legends: What Happens When DotA Grows Up
Every now and then there are games that come along in the industry that, by simply existing, manage to completely stretch, shake and re-define their genre. In this regard, there are games, like Metal Gear, that start as the launch point of an entirely new genre (stealth action shooters) or there are games, like Counter-Strike or World of Warcraft, that pack together many pre-existing ideas, but also manage to elevate and polish these concepts into something altogether remarkable.
Of course, there are many developers who try to create some of these afore-mentioned diamonds; churning away to make games that imitate and evolve a pre-existing concept that has experienced success, all the while adding their own ideas, to give a unique twist to their creations. In very rare cases, these 'spiritual successors' achieve something, but more often than not, these games fail to meet the standards set by their predecessors. Perhaps it was this fear of failure that has kept many developers from capitalizing upon the incredible success of the Warcraft III mod, Defence of the Ancients (DotA). But now, six years after DotA's initial creation, Riot Games' League of Legends has decided that the time is ripe for this underdeveloped genre to finally flex its wings and fly.